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63 Top Questions for Candidates To Ask At An Interview

63 Top Questions for Candidates To Ask At An Interview

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Ijam Day
March 15th 2022
Rebecca Noori
Published by:
Rebecca Noori
You've confidently made it through the interview. You've showcased your strengths, ambitions, and skills. You're feeling pretty good, and maybe like you've got this in the bag. ‍But then, the tables turn. The interviewer leans in, eyes expectant, and asks if you have any questions to ask them. Your head goes blank, and you're left scrambling for words.‍ How can you make an impression and end the meeting on a high note? This article suggests 63 top questions for candidates to ask at an interview to increase your chances of landing that dream job. 

Why ask questions at an interview? 

It’s a common misconception that interviews are a one-way street, where members of a hiring panel ask common interview questions and the candidate answers them. In reality, interviews are an opportunity for mutual discovery so both parties can gauge if they’re a great fit. Questions are an essential part of this experience, forming a basis for a potentially successful partnership, because they: 

  • Show that you’re genuinely interested in the role and company
  • Enable you to stand out from the crowd by posing thoughtful, intelligent questions
  • Paint a clear picture of the company’s culture, values, and expectations.
  • Leave a lasting impression of how proactive you are in seeking the information you need.

What you shouldn’t ask in an interview 

Being inquisitive in an interview is important. But some questions portray you in an unfavourable light, reducing your chances of getting the job. Your best bet? Bear the following in mind to strike a balance between showing interest and avoiding problematic questions.

1. Don’t say you don’t have any questions 

When the question well runs dry, it can seem like you're eager to wrap things up and leave. At worst, it can suggest disinterest or lack of enthusiasm for the role. Companies are looking for someone genuinely excited to work for them, so a best practice is to come armed with a few poignant questions.

2. Don’t ask questions that are easily Googleable

Asking questions that can be easily answered with a quick Google search might suggest that you haven’t done your homework prep. Get around this by taking the time to research the company’s history, values, and recent news so you can ask in-depth, insightful questions when you meet the interview panel. 

3. Don’t ask questions that they’ve already covered

Coming prepared with a list of questions is a decent plan. But actively listening during the interviews is a better one. Asking about previously discussed topics wastes precious time and can give the impression that you weren't paying attention. Remember to have your questions ready, but be flexible and adaptive so you don't tread over old ground.

4. Don’t turn your interview into their interview

The questions we will outline are valuable and will easily slip into your interview prep. But bombarding your interviewer with too many questions will be overwhelming—you don’t want to sound like the Riddler!  Aim to ask around 3-5 thoughtful questions that resonate most with your interests and the specific role you're applying for. You'll keep the conversation balanced and leave a lasting, positive impression without overwhelming your interviewer.

List of 63 questions to ask in an interview 

Here are 63 questions you can ask to gain a deeper understanding of your potential new role and impress the panel with your meaningful dialogue. 

7 role-based questions 

Role-specific questions enable you to gauge how well the position aligns with your skills, aspirations, and values, ensuring a harmonious fit for you and the company. We've designed the questions below to give you a clearer picture of what to expect while demonstrating your genuine interest in and intent to excel in the position.

  • Can you describe the day-to-day responsibilities of this role?
  • What are the key performance indicators for this position, and how are they measured?
  • How does this role contribute to the company's diversity and inclusion efforts?
  • What does success look like for this position in the first three months?
  • Are there professional development opportunities within this role?
  • How does this role interact with other departments or teams within the company?
  • What challenges did the previous person in this role face, and how were they addressed?

7 team-based questions 

Team-centric questions provide insights into the company’s working environment and approach to workplace connections, including how they embrace and celebrate diversity. The questions below reflect your eagerness to integrate seamlessly into the team and your commitment to contributing to a harmonious and inclusive workplace.

  • Can you tell me about the team I'll be working with?
  • How does the team collaborate and communicate effectively, especially in a diverse environment?
  • How does the team handle conflicts or differences in opinions? 
  • What are the team’s current goals and challenges?
  • How does the team celebrate successes and milestones?
  • Are there regular team-building or bonding activities?
  • How does each team player provide feedback and support to each other?

7 career development questions 

Asking about the company’s approach to L&D showcases your ambition and commitment to personal and professional growth. The following interview questions help you gauge the company’s investment in its employees and dedication to nurturing their talent.

  • What opportunities for skill development and career growth are available for employees?
  • How does the company support continuous learning and education?
  • Can you share success stories of employees who have grown in their careers here?
  • Are there mentors or career coaches available to support employees?
  • Are employees able to attend industry conferences and networking events? 
  • Does your company offer opportunities to learn in the flow of work?
  • Are learning opportunities available for all employees? 

7 company culture questions 

A potential employer's company culture influences everything from daily interactions to long-term career goals. Asking what this looks like allows you to assess if the environment aligns with your work values. These examples of questions may reveal how committed the company is to fostering a nurturing, inclusive, and dynamic workspace where everyone feels valued.

  • How would you describe the company's culture and values?
  • What steps has the company taken to foster a positive and inclusive workplace environment?
  • Can you share some recent culture initiatives or company events?
  • How does the company gather and respond to feedback regarding its cultural values?
  • Do you encourage employees to lead or participate in culture-building activities?
  • How does the company celebrate diversity and inclusion in its daily operations?
  • What are some traditions or rituals that the company values? 

7 onboarding questions 

Your first days in a new company can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. A robust onboarding process can make the transition smoother, ensuring you feel supported, informed, and fully integrated into the company processes and culture. Asking the following onboarding questions shows you're ready to hit the ground running and embrace the company's ethos from day one.

  • What is the onboarding process like for new employees, and how does it help them integrate into the company culture?
  • Are there any training programs or resources for new hires to understand the company's values and expectations?
  • How does the company ensure that new employees feel welcome and supported?
  • Are new hires paired with mentors or buddies to guide them in their initial days?
  • How does the company use onboarding feedback to make improvements?
  • Are there any team or department-specific onboarding activities?
  • How does the company continue to integrate new hires beyond the initial onboarding phase?

7 rapport questions

As a candidate, you'll want to work for an organisation you can trust and build relationships in. Asking questions about mechanisms for feedback and communication highlights your commitment to being an active, engaged, and constructive team member. The following questions provide valuable insights into the company's dedication to maintaining a transparent and responsive relationship with its employees. 

  • What are the mechanisms in place for employees to provide feedback, express concerns, or voice their ideas?
  • How does the company promote open communication between employees and management?
  • Can you share examples of feedback-driven improvements within the organisation?
  • How are employees encouraged to share innovative ideas or solutions?
  • Are there regular meetings or forums for open discussions?
  • How does the company handle constructive criticism and make changes based on it?
  • Do you use specific platforms or tools to facilitate continuous feedback and dialogue?

7 process questions

Processes ensure consistency, fairness, and transparency in various aspects of the company’s operations. The following questions about processes highlight your desire to understand the company’s approach to key areas that shape your working experience: 

  • What processes are in place for performance evaluations and plans for growth?
  • How does the company ensure fairness and transparency in the hiring process, promotions, and compensation decisions?
  • Can you explain how the company measures and maintains employee satisfaction and engagement?
  • How frequently are performance management reviews conducted, and what criteria are they based on?
  • Are there any mechanisms in place for employees to challenge or appeal decisions related to their performance reviews or career progression?
  • How does the company handle grievances related to workplace processes?
  • Has the company implemented recent initiatives or changes to improve or streamline existing processes based on employee feedback?

7 work-life balance questions

Work is no longer about clocking hours to win a promotion; it's about ensuring you feel fulfilled in your professional and personal life. Try asking the following questions to learn how the company nurtures a balanced and supportive environment for all employees. 

  • How does the company support work-life balance and the well-being of its employees?
  • Are flexible work arrangements, like remote work or flexible hours, available? 
  • Can you share examples of successful employees who have balanced their work and personal lives within the company?
  • How does the company handle periods of high stress or heavy workloads to maintain employee well-being?
  • Does the company offer any wellness programs or initiatives?
  • How does the company view and handle overtime and weekend work?
  • Are employees encouraged to take regular breaks and vacations to recharge?

7 diversity questions 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are essential pillars of a dynamic and positive company culture. But unfortunately, not all companies practice what they preach. The following questions will help you understand a company's approach to diversity while promoting your dedication to supporting it. 

  • What measures have you taken to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organisation?
  • Do you hire for culture fit or culture add? 
  • Can you provide specific data or statistics related to diversity in the workforce, leadership team, and board of directors?
  • How does the company ensure unconscious bias in its hiring and promotion processes?
  • Does the company have any employee resource groups or affinity groups that support diverse communities?
  • How does the company ensure that its diversity initiatives have a tangible impact?
  • Are there any training programmes or workshops that promote diversity and inclusion within the company?

Find an employer that matches your values with Spotlight

The job interview process is a two-way street. You do need to showcase your skills and experiences, but you also need to ensure the company aligns with your values and aspirations. A fulfilling career is built on mutual respect, shared values, and common goals. So, asking questions is essential to find an employer who recognises your worth and meets your standards.

Ready to find that perfect match? Spotlight by Applied allows you to begin your journey toward a meaningful career with a value-driven employer you align with. Sign up today to find the perfect match for you.